

The brand name for this website was made up by me in 2018, as I was looking for some nice and unique domain name, that would have an intuitive meaning for a collection of motivational quotes with images.

So the Quotelia name seems to fit just fine.

This website contains collections of over 1000+ manually created image quotes categorized by topics from various authors.

It has has English and German language versions, and it was built on Drupal (of course!) with a few custom modules.

For example, one of the modules handles topic-related blocks on the front page with a total image number counter for the given topic category shown over the last image slide.

The most significant part of this web project is its image editor, which helps to add text to image online.

All the image quotes on the quotelia.com website are made using this online editor.

It has a simple interface which allows easily upload and edit photo, add text or other graphic elements and download it without registration for free.

The final image gets rendered in the user's browser, and the download starts automatically. A temporary download link is also available. The generated link expires in 10 minutes, and the rendered image gets deleted.

Check out the online photo editor and see how adding text to photos is simple and easy with Quotelia!

Quotelia.com front page
Quotelia.com front page.


Online image editor.
Online image editor.