Drupal 8.x
Online quiz to evaluate Drupal 8 development skills
Are you a Drupal Developer? Check out my new Online test for Drupal Developers page on this site.
This quiz is useful for Drupal devs with preparing for the technical interviews, and in general, it helps to refresh the knowledge in Drupal 8 modules development.
It is free and has no registration required.
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Send email with an attachment without using contrib modules in Drupal 8
Place Google Adsense or html/js code snippets as extra rows into View results
When it comes to monetizing traffic on your websites, placing the Google Adsense code snippets has always been easy. Usually, the process is simple: the ad's code snippet has to be put into content block and then placed anywhere on site, or just hardcoded directly into site's templates.
However, if you have a list of posts built with a regular view and you want to periodically show some ad between them, the task requires some coding. As for me, it has always been a case, because I could not find any suitable simple Drupal module that would resolve this task.
So after all, in order to get rid of routine coding, I created a module called Views Row Insert.
Insert, replace or delete rows from a view display results programmatically
How to create custom view fields programmatically: Unfiltered header area field and content field plugins
If you ever tried to add custom styles or custom javascript to Unfiltered text field in Drupal 8 view, you had probably noticed that the style/script tags are always stripped out. Here is the example of how to programmatically create the unfiltered view header area custom field and the unfiltered view content field plugins where you can use <style> or <script> tags.